Dr Teesta Prakash

Research Associate, Southeast Asia Program
Areas of expertise

Australian Foreign Policy, Foreign Aid and Development, Indian Foreign Policy, Indo-Pacific and the Quad.

Dr Teesta Prakash
News and media

Dr Teesta Prakash was a research associate in the Southeast Asia Program at the Lowy Institute from 2021-22, working on a project that will track all aid flows to the region. Teesta’s research focus was on foreign aid and development and Australia’s foreign Policy in the Indo-Pacific region. Additionally, Teesta wrote on Indian foreign policy with a focus on Quad initiatives in the Indo-Pacific.

She joined the Lowy Institute from Griffith Asia Institute where she completed her PhD in International Relations exploring Australia’s aid to South and Southeast Asia during the Cold War. Teesta also holds a Master’s degree in International Relations from the Australian National University.

Greater Sunrise: Can Timor-Leste play the “China card”?
Greater Sunrise: Can Timor-Leste play the “China card”?
Beijing is a minor player in development finance for Dili – but it’s a different story with state-owned enterprises.
Abe Shinzo: the Quad stands as his Indo-Pacific legacy
Abe Shinzo: the Quad stands as his Indo-Pacific legacy
Driven by a vision of democratic peace spanning two seas, Japan’s former prime minister transformed regional diplomacy.
How Shah Rukh Khan can help with India’s ‘Act East’ policy
How Shah Rukh Khan can help with India’s ‘Act East’ policy
Originally published in The Times of India.
Engaging with Southeast Asia: more than aid
Engaging with Southeast Asia: more than aid
The sentiment is right, Australia needs to strengthen ties with the region. But don’t rely on aid to deliver.
Mapping Southeast Asian development assistance
Mapping Southeast Asian development assistance
A new measure of foreign aid impact in countries hit by Covid and infrastructure failure is set to fill the gap.
Can Shah Rukh Khan help India “Act East”?
Can Shah Rukh Khan help India “Act East”?
Bollywood has star power, even in Indonesia, as the Lowy Poll revealed. It’s time to capitalise on the connection.
China is key to understanding India’s dilemma over Ukraine
China is key to understanding India’s dilemma over Ukraine
Quad partners have recognised New Delhi needs its military ties with Moscow to stand against Beijing.
The multilateralism menu: The Interpreter’s 2021 favourites
The multilateralism menu: The Interpreter’s 2021 favourites
Want a slice of the regional pie? Or to understand the spaghetti strands of national ambition? We’ve just the dish.
The Quad gives a boost to India’s vaccine diplomacy
The Quad gives a boost to India’s vaccine diplomacy
Countering China’s influence is one thing. But fostering regional cooperation plays to the strengths of the grouping.